Prevent Specific Messages from CE System Monitor

Prevent Specific Messages from CE System Monitor

Product: IntelliChief

Component: Capture Enterprise

Description: Prevent Specific Messages from CE System Monitor

Release: IC 5.0+



The goal of this is to show how you can comment out sections of the IC CE System Monitor config file to prevent specific email alerts from being sent out. Primarily, this would be used for the more frequent alerts for batches, especially if a customer is always further behind in batches or has high enough volume that they will almost always be something to send.

This should hopefully help to prevent customers from turning off the CE System Monitor entirely, that way the more crucial alerts and the service recovery both still can occur.


Step 1.

·       Login to the CE System Monitor server.

·       Open the Services window and stop the “IntelliChief CE System Monitor” service.

·       Locate Notepad++, right click on it and select “Run as Administrator” to open.

·       Select File > Open, navigate to C:\Intellichief\ICCESystemMonitor, and open the ICCESystemMonitor.exe.config file.

Step 2.

·       When trying to stop a specific message, it is important to leave the entire section alone

o   i.e. for the example below, do not touch <JobQueue> and </JobQueue>

·       Most common use will be for the Job Queue messages sent below, the other alerts and the Aborted Jobs alert should be left as they are more crucial.

·       Use the commented out lines (in green) explaining what each alert is as a reference.

·       To start a section to be commented out, you use <!--. To end the section, you would use -->.

·       Only add that to the start and end of the one you want to stop being sent, that way if you want it to send again, you simply need to remove the characters from the start and end.

o   For this example, we’re stopping a Job alert email that begins with <JobQueueInfo [and then has the information needed and ends with />

o   To comment it out, you do <!--<JobQueueInfo [connection info] />-->

·       Once done, save the file and close it, and then restart the IntelliChief CE System Monitor service.

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